Monday, May 12, 2008

I Love My Home-Based Business

That is not a typo. I meant to say food reason. You will see why in a minute. I love working in my home-based business. As an entrepreneur, there are the standard reasons like having no boss, time freedom, setting my own schedule, deciding how much prosperity I will have, and smiling a lot. Here's another.

Since I love to eat and love to cook, working from home allows me to indulge in two of my favorite passions. It is fun for me to experiment with food and recipes.

I made one myself one of my specials recently. This, for me, is an added benefit from working at home. I love cooking and do lots of cooking for one. I love food.

People always ask me to bring something to potlucks or other gatherings. I realize I never write anything down; I just throw things in the dish, or the pan. So, for the most part, when they ask for a recipe, I have no measurements. This time, after the sandwich turned out so well, I decided to think about the ingredients I used and exactly how much. Well, it did not quite work, as you will see, because I do not know how much a handful of grated cheese is. Perhaps an ounce or two.

Growing up, my mother always made her own tartar sauce for fish. I have adapted her recipe to fit my taste. She never used dill relish or sour cream. (We always had dill pickles, though.) This was sooo yummy:

Chicken Cheese Sandwich with Spicy Sauce

2 slices light-style oatmeal or whole wheat bread

2 small onions or 1 medium, thinly sliced

Large handful reduced fat shredded cheese (recommended 4 Cheese Mexican)

2-4 slices rotisserie chicken

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Dried Oregano or Italian seasoning

Garlic salt

Freshly ground pepper

Spicy Sauce (Recipe below)

Toast the bread. Heat oil in a small heavy skillet (I use my small cast-iron skillet) on low to medium heat. Add onions and cook slowly until soft, but not brown, about 5 minutes. Stir occasionally with wooden spoon. Add chicken to onions, rough chop chicken and mix well (About 30 seconds). Sprinkle with oregano or Italian seasoning, garlic salt and pepper to taste.

Add shredded cheese. Cut off heat and cover with heavy top for about a minute until cheese is melted. Pile mixture on toasted bread slathered with tartar sauce. Cut in half. Enjoy with low-salt potato chips for an added treat.

*Spicy Sauce*

1 cup light mayonnaise

¼ cup light or non-fat sour cream

2 tablespoons dill relish

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper or to taste

Mix well

*My granddaughter and her friends love this sauce with my fried catfish nuggets. It is great also on deli sandwiches and in potato or chicken salad.

Best Home Based Business

Everybody does it, even I do it, looking out for the best earning home based business opportunity or affiliate program that you can sign up for your blog or web site. The belief is that if others are earning lots of cash from it, then you too can probably do it.

Actually the reality is a little different. Joining the best paying home based business matters little if you "take your eyes off the ball". In other words if you remove your focus from the most important single factor that will help you deliver the high sales and commissions that others have earned from the best paying home based business opportunity that you have just found. And that is traffic.

Shortly after signing up for any best paying home based business, the online entrepreneur should return all their attention to where it matters most – generating as much traffic as possible for their site. The more people you can drive in the direction of your site, the more of them who will see your best home based business opportunity link and the more who will end up earning you a hefty commission.

Never "take your eyes off the ball" and in this case the ball is traffic generation. It matters like hell and will give you your best shot in any home based business.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Parenting Activity For Successful Home Based Business

Anyone who has ever tried to accomplish any Non-Parenting activity as a Stay at Home Parent can tell you that easier said than done is an understatement! However, in today's increasingly difficult economy, many Stay at Home Parents are faced with new challenges and pressures.

There are many sources of these challenges. Your spouse may be facing a layoff or downsizing. If the "breadwinner" is in a sales job, you don't need me to tell you that the current economy can have a serious impact on your household income. Anyone working in the Automotive, Real Estate or Mortgage industries has been dealing with the loss of stability for some time now.

So what can you do to take some of the pressure off your Husband or Wife? Don't run out and apply at Wal-Mart just yet. Nobody wants to jeopardize their time with their kids. You don't want to deal with a latch-key program, or worse yet, full time day care!

If you can learn to budget your time and make good use of what you have available, you can create a substantial income from your computer. You need to focus your attention for the time you have. If you have toddler age kids, you can work at nap-time. If you have school age kids, you have a little more time to work with, and can get a little more done. Whatever amount of time you are working with, you need to make sure you are staying on task, staying focused, and getting your goals accomplished. Here is a list of where to start building an income from home:

* Research Opportunities that Interest You

* Ask Questions! Find out as Much as you Can about the Opportunity

* Make Sure You are going to get the Support you'll need to Shorten the Learning Curve

* If you Choose a Home Business Opportunity, Make Sure the Support Includes a Detailed Marketing Plan

There are literally Thousands of different opportunities out there to Work from Home or Build a Home Based Business. The industry is Exploding right now, with thousands of people joining a home business everyday. I would do a fairly targeted Google Search. Search for things that interest you. Odds are that you'll be able to find a business opportunity related to your interests.

Once you find a couple opportunities that you're interested in, do some more targeted searches and research the opportunities until you are comfortable. You should also be screening people as sponsors while you are researching. You'll want to make sure people are available to talk to you and answer your questions. This will tell you something about how available they will be to you after you join them in their business.

You are also going to want to ask questions about marketing the business. When you build an Online Business, Marketing is the most important skill you will need to learn. Internet Marketing is a skill, and finding someone to teach you Real World Marketing Skills will enable you to build your business Like a Science.

Network Marketing Source For Home Business Projects

Network Marketing is a viable business model that generates significant income for millions of people worldwide and is, in my opinion, the quickest, smartest and most enjoyable way to financial success; requiring the least amount of start-up investment. Network marketing is not just becoming mainstream, it's emerging today as a dominant market trend online. In its simplest form, Network Marketing is a process of building a team of productive individuals to distribute and consume products and/or services. How this team is built however has changed from "old school" talking to friends and relatives, to promoting your business online and building relationships with people from all over the world. The Internet has helped network marketing to flourish, allowing people from all walks of life to participate successfully. Even those new to marketing online are seeing success with this form of online business.

The reason people get involved in network marketing is to make money and to make money with the least amount of effort. It's a business that enables you to travel and have fun as well as enjoy the lifestyle that extra income can provide. Network marketing has become the business model of choice for those seeking extra income, or those wishing to completely replace their full-time income in a short period of time. With extremely low start-up costs, and extremely high income potential, home business hopefuls are turning to network marketing as an alternative to the expenses and hassles of traditional businesses or franchising.

Network marketers who are serious about building a business should be reading and learning about business fundamentals, the latest sales and marketing techniques, strategies for networking and business development, etc. The good news for network marketers is that the online world is starting to look a lot like the offline world when you start thinking about how we are able to build relationships, make friends, and find new business partners. This is one of the most enjoyable aspects of network marketing online for me; corresponding with people from all over the world while performing the daily routing of running my business

The enterprising network marketers grow their own marketing network and, depending upon the compensation scheme of the organization, the network marketers also get paid for the efforts of their team mates. I am an active marketer and enjoy learning and implementing creative marketing techniques. But like most people, I knew nothing about marketing online, building a website or really, anything at all about the business when I first started. The secret was to team with knowledgeable marketers willing to help coupled with my desire to learn. Now I'm in the position of helping others start their business. You should be willing to return the same favor once you have learned your business and help train your network. The satisfaction will be more than just financial gain!

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Factors To Make A Home Business Successful

When you begin a home business, forget all the free time and endless vacations many people talk about. Your primary focus is going to be on making enough money to survive. One of the biggest problems new home business owners face is confusing income with profit and it is the profit that will determine if you are successful or not. There is money to be made in a home business, but if you cannot control the expenses, you may not survive on the home front for very long. Alternative home based businesses that require not start-up costs such as Yuwie for example are a great place to start.

Little things that may seem insignificant when you worked for someone else can quickly add up and detract from your ability to survive financially. To begin with your office is now in your home and you will need to treat the home, and its associated expenses, as part of the cost of doing business. One of the biggest expenses you will have is utilities and if you can reduce utility costs for the home, you automatically reduce your cost of doing business.

Most states have competition among suppliers of gas and electric and searching out the company that offers the lowest price and best service may save you a few bucks every month. A couple of dollars may not seem like a lot of money when viewed in the overall picture of running the home business, but over time can up to significant savings. While looking at your utility costs, consider how many lights you leave on when you are not in the room. It is a common error by most families and one the savings devices could be automatic motion switches.

Motion detectors built into the light switches turn on the light when a person enters the room and shuts them off shortly after they leave. This can be a beginning to reducing energy consumption and lowering the bills. Try switching to energy saving fluorescent bulbs that are as bright as incandescent bulbs and although they cost a little more are more energy efficient and should last longer.

Ask yourself if you really need to heat at 72-degrees in the winter. Knocking a couple of degrees off the thermostat may save another couple of dollars a month and with the reduced energy bill you may be able to go out to lunch once in awhile. Speaking of lunch, there really is no need to venture out to the restaurant or even a fast-food joint for a burger. You have a completely equipped kitchen and refrigerator in which your lunch can be stored and prepped.

Do not get caught up in the convenience of online postage companies. Many of them charge a monthly fee, even id you do not use the service. They can run as high as $15 a month just so the service is available. Buy stamps when you are out and save that service fee. You may also not need the movie channels on your cable. You are going to be too busy operating your home business to enjoy many movies and they only distract you when you are supposed to be working.

There are many home based business that cost little or zero start up capital. One such program is called Yuwie, it has no start up fees and will get you going on the path of at least learning the ins and outs of internet marketing if this is your choice. Yuwie is a social network that pays it's users.

Leveraging the internet you can really keep advertising costs to a minimum with classified ads and blogging both of which are powerful promotional tools and cost no money to use.

Work From Home And Make More Money Through

Home based business, you too can work from home and make a ton of money doing it in the process. I myself was a college dropout and now make my living online.

There are many things you can do to start making money online. One of those things would be providing a service. This is how I got my start and this is how I learned a lot from others. I started preforming services such as writing articles, writing EBooks, Building websites, doing other task. I learned a lot about the home based business world and it opened my eyes to a world more of opportunity.

You can find work on various forums and classified ads. You can search craigslist and elance these sites have plenty of offers available. One tip I would like to give to you would be branding. You need to brand yourself right from the start. If you provide great customer service and a great service then you will began to build a relationship with clients ans this can lead to more and more work later on down the road.

Providing a service is one of the easiest ways that you can make money from home and establish a home business.

If you are looking to start your home business you need to be good in these things:
Time management
self motivation
customer service

If you can be good in these areas you can too make money online. You can get your start with your own home business today. Please see my resource box.